all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 6EH 1 0 54.98884 -1.531366
NE28 6EQ 1 1 54.987432 -1.527366
NE28 6HA 17 14 54.991493 -1.507295
NE28 6HB 21 1 54.98898 -1.532692
NE28 6HD 10 1 54.989201 -1.531752
NE28 6HF 2 2 54.988334 -1.526478
NE28 6HG 5 0 54.989477 -1.528655
NE28 6HH 9 9 54.990627 -1.524404
NE28 6HL 1 1 54.990257 -1.512671
NE28 6HP 1 1 54.989479 -1.531468
NE28 6HQ 2 1 54.988484 -1.530352
NE28 6HR 1 1 54.988127 -1.530624
NE28 6HS 5 5 54.990498 -1.525486
NE28 6HZ 10 0 54.990059 -1.519099
NE28 6JA 51 5 54.991636 -1.525111
NE28 6JB 53 0 54.991074 -1.528089
NE28 6JD 33 0 54.990521 -1.531424
NE28 6JE 73 0 54.990953 -1.527541
NE28 6JF 28 0 54.990375 -1.531035
NE28 6JS 31 0 54.992964 -1.501856