all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 7BJ 1 54.996248 -1.505019
NE28 7BL 1 54.995998 -1.505645
NE28 7BN 0 54.995947 -1.508337
NE28 7BP 0 54.997213 -1.512464
NE28 7BQ 2 54.996406 -1.508378
NE28 7BS 0 54.996491 -1.512048
NE28 7BT 0 54.996363 -1.508926
NE28 7BU 0 54.996417 -1.511207
NE28 7BY 0 54.996305 -1.510161
NE28 7DA 0 54.999008 -1.505126
NE28 7DB 1 54.996734 -1.50506
NE28 7DD 0 54.996536 -1.505094
NE28 7DE 0 54.997019 -1.506729
NE28 7DF 0 54.996963 -1.506277
NE28 7DG 0 54.997556 -1.506254
NE28 7DH 0 54.997309 -1.505194
NE28 7DJ 1 54.99785 -1.505516
NE28 7DL 0 54.997749 -1.507314
NE28 7DN 0 54.997674 -1.508769
NE28 7DP 0 54.999021 -1.506345