all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 6JX 10 0 54.995128 -1.505783
NE28 6JY 30 0 54.995508 -1.504091
NE28 6JZ 17 0 54.995278 -1.502952
NE28 6LA 12 0 54.995574 -1.504903
NE28 6LB 22 0 54.995657 -1.505371
NE28 6LD 5 0 54.995925 -1.507243
NE28 6LE 30 0 54.994546 -1.503993
NE28 6LG 25 0 54.994184 -1.501153
NE28 6LP 2 0 54.991621 -1.49665
NE28 6LR 4 0 54.991476 -1.496029
NE28 6LX 5 5 54.991282 -1.499498
NE28 6LY 8 0 54.991103 -1.497081
NE28 6LZ 12 0 54.992062 -1.49449
NE28 6NA 25 0 54.991684 -1.496339
NE28 6NB 4 1 54.991696 -1.494885
NE28 6ND 18 0 54.990913 -1.494754
NE28 6NE 17 0 54.991927 -1.496508
NE28 6NF 17 0 54.991854 -1.494086
NE28 6NG 19 0 54.990982 -1.494019
NE28 6NH 19 0 54.990963 -1.493644