all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 9BG 7 0 55.016341 -1.456401
NE29 9BH 16 0 55.015794 -1.454767
NE29 9BJ 30 0 55.016974 -1.455235
NE29 9BL 2 0 55.018096 -1.455374
NE29 9BN 23 0 55.016375 -1.455963
NE29 9BQ 17 1 55.015514 -1.456303
NE29 9BS 24 5 55.015239 -1.457214
NE29 9BT 46 0 55.016002 -1.45908
NE29 9BU 11 0 55.015608 -1.461259
NE29 9BX 32 0 55.015241 -1.459731
NE29 9BY 12 0 55.015558 -1.458148
NE29 9BZ 1 1 55.014363 -1.46015
NE29 9DA 51 0 55.019725 -1.455542
NE29 9DN 1 1 55.026193 -1.457035
NE29 9DY 3 0 55.027305 -1.458568
NE29 9DZ 3 0 55.026705 -1.459046
NE29 9EA 25 0 55.026746 -1.460203
NE29 9EB 10 0 55.025973 -1.460197
NE29 9ED 11 0 55.02629 -1.460694
NE29 9EE 8 0 55.025842 -1.460997