all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 1DW 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 1DY 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 1DZ 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 1FX 1 0 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 1FP 0 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 1FZ 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE29 1GD 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE29 1GE 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE29 1GF 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE29 1GG 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE29 6AA 3 54.999575 -1.46299
NE29 6AB 0 55.000658 -1.464039
NE29 6AL 0 54.999329 -1.468387
NE29 6AR 10 54.997581 -1.459404
NE29 6AS 0 54.999479 -1.469792
NE29 6AT 0 55.00047 -1.468231
NE29 6AW 0 55.000177 -1.469063
NE29 6AY 1 55.002044 -1.472775
NE29 6BA 1 55.002504 -1.466985
NE29 6BB 0 55.002271 -1.465205