all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 0LU 2 55.011535 -1.448974
NE29 0LW 1 55.011333 -1.448117
NE29 0LX 0 55.012175 -1.449202
NE29 0LY 0 55.011714 -1.450616
NE29 0LZ 2 55.012052 -1.450202
NE29 0NA 0 55.012647 -1.450306
NE29 0NB 0 55.012904 -1.449442
NE29 0ND 0 55.013614 -1.44968
NE29 0NE 0 55.014198 -1.451348
NE29 0NG 0 55.013007 -1.450426
NE29 0NH 0 55.012344 -1.452796
NE29 0NJ 0 55.011639 -1.455855
NE29 0NL 0 55.011519 -1.457201
NE29 0NN 0 55.012824 -1.453898
NE29 0NP 0 55.013629 -1.452794
NE29 0NQ 0 55.012771 -1.451852
NE29 0NR 0 55.014207 -1.453537
NE29 0NS 1 55.013537 -1.454359
NE29 0NT 0 55.01319 -1.455037
NE29 0NU 0 55.013803 -1.455544