all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 0QN 0 55.011908 -1.463951
NE29 0QP 0 55.010772 -1.46306
NE29 0QQ 0 55.014477 -1.467655
NE29 0QR 2 55.00997 -1.462865
NE29 0QS 0 55.01032 -1.462471
NE29 0QT 0 55.010237 -1.461894
NE29 0QU 0 55.009471 -1.461404
NE29 0QW 0 55.011785 -1.464485
NE29 0QX 0 55.008918 -1.460737
NE29 0QY 0 55.009022 -1.461551
NE29 0QZ 0 55.009414 -1.460748
NE29 0RA 0 55.009947 -1.461491
NE29 0RB 0 55.009789 -1.460196
NE29 0RD 0 55.009962 -1.45863
NE29 0RE 0 55.010875 -1.457976
NE29 0RF 1 55.011467 -1.457593
NE29 0RG 0 55.011348 -1.45919
NE29 0RH 0 55.01185 -1.458839
NE29 0RJ 0 55.012196 -1.460007
NE29 0RL 0 55.012776 -1.461141