all postcodes in NE3 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE3 2BE 11 0 55.020172 -1.644611
NE3 2BH 33 0 55.018755 -1.642669
NE3 2BJ 25 0 55.018616 -1.641075
NE3 2BL 24 0 55.020535 -1.642903
NE3 2BN 8 0 55.019842 -1.642284
NE3 2BP 13 0 55.021613 -1.642643
NE3 2BQ 24 0 55.021275 -1.643944
NE3 2BR 23 0 55.021291 -1.646447
NE3 2BS 10 0 55.021995 -1.644313
NE3 2BT 8 0 55.0221 -1.643437
NE3 2BU 18 0 55.019106 -1.643587
NE3 2BX 9 0 55.019889 -1.64918
NE3 2BY 60 0 55.021913 -1.646957
NE3 2BZ 60 0 55.02191 -1.645878
NE3 2DH 14 0 55.021406 -1.648698
NE3 2DJ 8 0 55.019622 -1.617355
NE3 2DL 12 0 55.018927 -1.619364
NE3 2DN 29 0 55.019498 -1.61781
NE3 2DP 11 0 55.020676 -1.620927
NE3 2DQ 51 9 55.015806 -1.62202