all postcodes in NE31 / HEBBURN

find any address or company within the NE31 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE31 2JZ 7 54.957294 -1.510071
NE31 2LF 0 54.965748 -1.518264
NE31 2LG 0 54.964698 -1.518652
NE31 2LH 0 54.963812 -1.519459
NE31 2LJ 0 54.962816 -1.519924
NE31 2LL 0 54.962271 -1.52082
NE31 2LN 0 54.963244 -1.521418
NE31 2LP 0 54.964797 -1.520915
NE31 2LQ 5 54.964191 -1.520032
NE31 2LR 0 54.962979 -1.522499
NE31 2LS 0 54.962495 -1.522786
NE31 2LT 1 54.962255 -1.521258
NE31 2LU 0 54.961151 -1.521646
NE31 2LW 0 54.963473 -1.520072
NE31 2LX 0 54.96139 -1.522814
NE31 2LY 0 54.960966 -1.520274
NE31 2LZ 0 54.95991 -1.516804
NE31 2NB 0 54.961643 -1.523249
NE31 2ND 0 54.962813 -1.52375
NE31 2NE 0 54.963599 -1.522507