all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 9WY 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9SZ 1 1 54.99519 -1.427677
NE33 9AG 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9AU 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9BH 1 0 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9BJ 1 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9TA 1 54.99519 -1.427677
NE33 9DH 0 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9DJ 0 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9DL 0 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9DS 1 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9DU 1 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9EF 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9EN 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9EQ 1 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9ER 1 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9ET 1 1 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9ES 1 0 54.997836 -1.432514
NE33 9EU 1 0 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 9ZZ 1 54.997828 -1.432501