all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 2JQ 25 15 55.000183 -1.424886
NE33 2JR 57 0 55.001039 -1.425452
NE33 2JS 2 2 55.001376 -1.421021
NE33 2JX 1 1 55.003323 -1.418134
NE33 2JZ 21 0 55.003075 -1.417168
NE33 2LA 2 2 55.000905 -1.416494
NE33 2LD 14 13 54.998645 -1.413449
NE33 2LF 5 0 55.005828 -1.429321
NE33 2LR 16 15 54.998316 -1.431118
NE33 2LS 10 2 54.998893 -1.427749
NE33 2LY 16 0 54.997404 -1.424519
NE33 2LZ 16 0 54.997784 -1.423216
NE33 2NB 3 0 54.999086 -1.422963
NE33 2ND 1 0 54.998016 -1.4229
NE33 2NE 22 2 54.997504 -1.422907
NE33 2NF 25 0 54.997179 -1.420646
NE33 2NG 39 0 54.997395 -1.422503
NE33 2NH 29 0 54.997544 -1.419827
NE33 2NJ 22 0 54.997665 -1.418997
NE33 2NL 13 1 54.997852 -1.418572