all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 2DW 1 1 54.999575 -1.429365
NE33 2DX 14 0 55.000801 -1.430192
NE33 2DY 45 0 55.001112 -1.433361
NE33 2DZ 47 0 55.001394 -1.432075
NE33 2EA 26 0 55.001858 -1.431521
NE33 2EB 12 0 55.001755 -1.434446
NE33 2ED 51 0 55.002198 -1.433158
NE33 2EE 1 0 55.001428 -1.429761
NE33 2EF 2 0 55.001842 -1.430269
NE33 2EG 3 0 55.002439 -1.43081
NE33 2EH 32 0 55.002585 -1.429463
NE33 2EJ 6 0 55.002869 -1.428584
NE33 2EL 27 0 55.003254 -1.428281
NE33 2EN 9 0 55.00323 -1.427109
NE33 2EP 47 0 55.002351 -1.429185
NE33 2EQ 24 0 55.002258 -1.430562
NE33 2ER 23 0 55.001872 -1.428629
NE33 2ES 18 1 55.00235 -1.427121
NE33 2ET 18 0 55.002124 -1.426906
NE33 2EU 13 2 55.002687 -1.426226