all postcodes in NE35 / BOLDON COLLIERY

find any address or company within the NE35 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE35 9LS 43 0 54.949506 -1.467764
NE35 9LW 14 12 54.953074 -1.461968
NE35 9LX 50 0 54.948868 -1.467788
NE35 9LY 1 1 54.94647 -1.472191
NE35 9LZ 16 16 54.947304 -1.472193
NE35 9NA 61 0 54.950582 -1.46917
NE35 9NB 15 0 54.949958 -1.470459
NE35 9ND 37 0 54.9497 -1.469073
NE35 9NE 11 0 54.950904 -1.469026
NE35 9NF 68 0 54.95121 -1.471145
NE35 9NG 17 0 54.950637 -1.467546
NE35 9NH 33 0 54.946113 -1.460502
NE35 9NQ 15 0 54.952013 -1.469729
NE35 9PB 6 6 54.947082 -1.466529
NE35 9PD 8 3 54.944098 -1.46195
NE35 9PE 23 19 54.943696 -1.470791
NE35 9PZ 10 9 54.945512 -1.468862
NE35 9PF 16 54.943067 -1.471172
NE35 9AB 0 54.948083 -1.467111
NE35 9BF 16 0 54.950571 -1.446641