all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 1YB 1 1 54.906682 -1.532476
NE37 1NA 21 0 54.90368 -1.537002
NE37 1NB 22 0 54.903602 -1.53535
NE37 1BF 0 54.921619 -1.539761
NE37 1WU 1 0 54.906682 -1.532476
NE37 1US 0 54.904726 -1.533107
NE37 1UT 0 54.905206 -1.534068
NE37 1UU 0 54.904297 -1.533689
NE37 1UX 0 54.904091 -1.534065
NE37 1UY 0 54.905579 -1.533003
NE37 1WQ 1 1 54.90669 -1.532488
NE37 1WP 1 0 54.906682 -1.532476
NE37 1NN 0 54.917666 -1.535453
NE37 1PD 0 54.922496 -1.534259
NE37 1PA 2 54.884468 -1.547008
NE37 1QP 2 54.909006 -1.550944
NE37 1GZ 0 54.896307 -1.533731
NE37 2AA 1 1 54.907951 -1.523524
NE37 2AB 5 2 54.908902 -1.521002
NE37 2AH 7 7 54.912104 -1.521804