all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 9EQ 0 54.880785 -1.547068
NE38 9ER 0 54.881257 -1.550694
NE38 9ES 0 54.880182 -1.549179
NE38 9ET 3 54.879657 -1.550712
NE38 9EU 0 54.879693 -1.543418
NE38 9EW 0 54.881304 -1.548839
NE38 9EX 0 54.880889 -1.543685
NE38 9EY 0 54.880282 -1.544767
NE38 9EZ 1 54.877979 -1.551448
NE38 9HA 0 54.875975 -1.553699
NE38 9HB 0 54.876959 -1.557413
NE38 9HD 0 54.875876 -1.558733
NE38 9HE 0 54.876973 -1.558986
NE38 9HF 0 54.876603 -1.560954
NE38 9HG 0 54.875248 -1.558849
NE38 9HH 0 54.871888 -1.564091
NE38 9HJ 0 54.872191 -1.563663
NE38 9HN 0 54.874096 -1.561075
NE38 9HQ 0 54.875399 -1.56103
NE38 9HR 0 54.87747 -1.547261