all postcodes in NE3 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE3 1BF 34 0 55.007315 -1.621397
NE3 1BH 17 0 55.007559 -1.610591
NE3 1BJ 49 0 55.006867 -1.610691
NE3 1BL 7 0 55.007651 -1.611387
NE3 1BQ 19 0 55.005201 -1.612193
NE3 1DB 46 5 55.005833 -1.62188
NE3 1DD 48 1 55.006533 -1.621545
NE3 1DE 41 0 55.005859 -1.624225
NE3 1DH 44 6 55.006884 -1.621792
NE3 1DJ 15 3 55.007209 -1.621976
NE3 1DL 40 1 55.008162 -1.622124
NE3 1DP 35 0 55.009793 -1.623594
NE3 1DQ 59 6 55.009008 -1.622804
NE3 1DR 12 0 55.008623 -1.623167
NE3 1DS 12 0 55.008092 -1.622781
NE3 1DT 8 0 55.007758 -1.622503
NE3 1DU 34 4 55.006298 -1.624455
NE3 1DX 32 2 55.006597 -1.624828
NE3 1DY 3 0 55.006413 -1.626346
NE3 1EA 4 0 55.006716 -1.625405