all postcodes in NE40 / RYTON

find any address or company within the NE40 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE40 4BD 0 54.952234 -1.791944
NE40 4BE 0 54.952939 -1.793709
NE40 4BG 0 54.951272 -1.79086
NE40 4BH 0 54.95051 -1.791582
NE40 4BJ 0 54.950346 -1.790334
NE40 4BL 0 54.952589 -1.788589
NE40 4BN 0 54.953027 -1.787151
NE40 4BP 0 54.953507 -1.7844
NE40 4BQ 0 54.951239 -1.792734
NE40 4BS 2 54.953641 -1.783775
NE40 4SW 3 54.954633 -1.781689
NE40 4BT 0 54.951315 -1.789424
NE40 4BW 0 54.953366 -1.785759
NE40 4DA 0 54.968729 -1.783647
NE40 4DE 0 54.964936 -1.793679
NE40 4DF 0 54.964039 -1.789263
NE40 4DG 0 54.96455 -1.788542
NE40 4DH 0 54.964377 -1.787606
NE40 4DJ 0 54.964279 -1.787935
NE40 4DL 0 54.963938 -1.788093