all postcodes in NE47 / HEXHAM

find any address or company within the NE47 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE47 9EW 2 0 54.907809 -2.296279
NE47 9EX 1 0 54.909743 -2.285368
NE47 9HA 14 0 54.896718 -2.250458
NE47 9HD 4 1 54.80395 -2.218848
NE47 9HE 4 0 54.811752 -2.23238
NE47 9HF 19 0 54.810423 -2.23161
NE47 9HG 1 0 54.809957 -2.230799
NE47 9HH 3 0 54.80538 -2.223041
NE47 9HJ 9 1 54.805081 -2.224579
NE47 9HL 2 0 54.802579 -2.220715
NE47 9HN 3 1 54.802285 -2.219804
NE47 9HP 1 0 54.799094 -2.215415
NE47 9HQ 11 1 54.809266 -2.229822
NE47 9HR 2 0 54.803154 -2.215818
NE47 9HS 3 0 54.803018 -2.217179
NE47 9HT 6 0 54.803323 -2.217507
NE47 9HU 1 0 54.803861 -2.218163
NE47 9HW 2 0 54.800634 -2.217826
NE47 9HX 2 0 54.806051 -2.218851
NE47 9HY 2 0 54.809168 -2.224298