all postcodes in NE48 / HEXHAM

find any address or company within the NE48 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE48 1PD 4 0 55.154838 -2.317035
NE48 1PE 12 1 55.158426 -2.300152
NE48 1PF 1 0 55.164065 -2.298201
NE48 1PG 3 0 55.169079 -2.305429
NE48 1PP 4 0 55.177382 -2.32289
NE48 1PS 3 0 55.170957 -2.323136
NE48 1PT 1 0 55.180611 -2.314735
NE48 1PW 12 1 55.179288 -2.322497
NE48 1QZ 1 1 55.197177 -2.537171
NE48 1RN 4 0 55.189402 -2.327667
NE48 1RP 12 0 55.213516 -2.302776
NE48 1RR 1 0 55.238425 -2.30464
NE48 1RS 1 0 55.204637 -2.367184
NE48 1RT 1 0 55.20906 -2.38968
NE48 1RU 1 0 55.208095 -2.36764
NE48 1RW 1 0 55.206556 -2.313698
NE48 1RX 1 0 55.247179 -2.397839
NE48 1RY 1 0 55.239785 -2.439188
NE48 1BE 0 55.176301 -2.461704