all postcodes in NE5 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE5 4BE 0 55.00097 -1.677656
NE5 4BF 0 55.000355 -1.676082
NE5 4BG 0 54.9999 -1.677399
NE5 4BH 0 54.999477 -1.67684
NE5 4BJ 0 54.99901 -1.676984
NE5 4BL 0 54.998392 -1.677802
NE5 4BN 0 55.000956 -1.675593
NE5 4BP 1 55.005945 -1.683198
NE5 4BQ 0 54.999795 -1.678166
NE5 4BR 8 55.006617 -1.686507
NE5 4BS 0 55.006972 -1.687333
NE5 4DZ 1 55.002647 -1.69068
NE5 4BT 1 55.002103 -1.691545
NE5 4BU 0 55.001491 -1.687845
NE5 4BW 0 55.008973 -1.682752
NE5 4BX 0 55.001352 -1.686001
NE5 4BY 0 55.002102 -1.684244
NE5 4DA 0 55.004886 -1.683456
NE5 4DB 0 55.00226 -1.682945
NE5 4DD 0 55.004039 -1.682541