all postcodes in NE5 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE5 1BE 12 0 54.992448 -1.715735
NE5 1BH 8 0 54.992915 -1.716013
NE5 1BJ 18 0 54.992828 -1.717014
NE5 1BL 16 0 54.991824 -1.718224
NE5 1BN 35 0 54.991169 -1.71837
NE5 1BP 24 0 54.991438 -1.718258
NE5 1BQ 88 0 54.991625 -1.721367
NE5 1BR 34 0 54.992583 -1.719798
NE5 1BS 11 0 54.993172 -1.718262
NE5 1BT 8 0 54.993935 -1.717881
NE5 1DN 5 4 54.991998 -1.708938
NE5 1DP 19 0 54.993713 -1.711412
NE5 1DQ 15 1 54.99435 -1.71469
NE5 1DS 7 1 54.994932 -1.717718
NE5 1DT 18 9 54.995299 -1.717137
NE5 1DU 16 0 54.993737 -1.713585
NE5 1DX 16 0 54.993252 -1.713838
NE5 1DY 12 0 54.993571 -1.715977
NE5 1EA 7 0 54.994727 -1.718251
NE5 1EB 16 0 54.993818 -1.714053