all postcodes in NE61 / MORPETH

find any address or company within the NE61 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE61 4LF 0 55.207976 -1.999987
NE61 4LG 0 55.208506 -1.999138
NE61 4LH 0 55.242945 -1.971111
NE61 4LJ 0 55.256077 -1.99909
NE61 4LP 0 55.199045 -1.828554
NE61 4NJ 0 55.205252 -1.843521
NE61 4NL 0 55.207558 -1.809288
NE61 4NN 0 55.198118 -1.818209
NE61 4NP 0 55.220923 -1.843004
NE61 4NR 0 55.22321 -1.817667
NE61 4NS 0 55.228158 -1.872433
NE61 4NT 0 55.20493 -1.844622
NE61 4NU 0 55.206449 -1.844962
NE61 4NW 0 55.208834 -1.840993
NE61 4NX 0 55.207097 -1.845619
NE61 4NY 0 55.206559 -1.846564
NE61 4NZ 0 55.220126 -1.868471
NE61 4PA 0 55.225143 -1.855406
NE61 4PB 0 55.227987 -1.871994
NE61 4PD 0 55.230223 -1.857825