all postcodes in NE61 / MORPETH

find any address or company within the NE61 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE61 6HG 2 0 55.107686 -1.667298
NE61 6HJ 3 1 55.109421 -1.672991
NE61 6HL 1 0 55.108667 -1.670003
NE61 6HN 20 0 55.108771 -1.66856
NE61 6HP 5 0 55.107919 -1.66932
NE61 6HQ 6 0 55.108492 -1.668563
NE61 6HR 32 0 55.109883 -1.66794
NE61 6HS 3 0 55.109008 -1.666536
NE61 6HT 24 0 55.153211 -1.654085
NE61 6HU 6 0 55.110454 -1.669565
NE61 6HW 45 0 55.109596 -1.671422
NE61 6HX 4 0 55.182441 -1.644096
NE61 6HZ 23 16 55.182882 -1.641203
NE61 6JH 1 1 55.161932 -1.671997
NE61 6JJ 1 1 55.163775 -1.675733
NE61 6JN 38 35 55.161965 -1.669216
NE61 6JQ 1 1 55.164317 -1.673468
NE61 6JR 1 1 55.160085 -1.66688
NE61 6JS 1 1 55.159927 -1.668309
NE61 6JT 47 42 55.16308 -1.670983