all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1JP 2 0 55.415044 -1.710609
NE66 1JQ 4 3 55.4151 -1.708699
NE66 1JR 6 0 55.414436 -1.709035
NE66 1JS 8 0 55.414068 -1.70918
NE66 1JU 8 7 55.412864 -1.708161
NE66 1JW 49 1 55.414735 -1.709854
NE66 1JX 1 1 55.411813 -1.70539
NE66 1LA 18 10 55.412478 -1.708654
NE66 1LB 6 0 55.412172 -1.708973
NE66 1LF 20 0 55.411952 -1.710965
NE66 1LG 5 0 55.411478 -1.712058
NE66 1LH 10 1 55.411249 -1.714018
NE66 1LJ 8 0 55.412535 -1.710502
NE66 1LP 31 0 55.412325 -1.712857
NE66 1LQ 8 0 55.411246 -1.712691
NE66 1LR 46 0 55.41208 -1.712133
NE66 1LS 9 1 55.414566 -1.71063
NE66 1LT 13 2 55.415679 -1.710416
NE66 1LW 48 0 55.413188 -1.713041
NE66 1LX 13 6 55.4162 -1.709448