all postcodes in NE68 / SEAHOUSES

find any address or company within the NE68 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE68 7SZ 0 55.643777 -1.610837
NE68 7TB 0 55.577389 -1.651035
NE68 7TD 1 55.581902 -1.651756
NE68 7TN 8 55.580131 -1.655583
NE68 7TP 4 55.580025 -1.65625
NE68 7TQ 0 55.580722 -1.653924
NE68 7TR 1 55.579046 -1.658903
NE68 7TS 0 55.57785 -1.661531
NE68 7TT 1 55.576689 -1.664126
NE68 7TU 1 55.576328 -1.667016
NE68 7TW 0 55.579498 -1.656473
NE68 7TX 0 55.575713 -1.668797
NE68 7TY 0 55.574055 -1.670508
NE68 7TZ 1 55.577943 -1.662831
NE68 7UA 2 55.576891 -1.665948
NE68 7UB 0 55.576019 -1.669048
NE68 7UD 1 55.576261 -1.668618
NE68 7UE 2 55.578691 -1.661242
NE68 7UF 0 55.578008 -1.663369
NE68 7UG 0 55.577498 -1.664262