all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 1DE 0 54.974228 -1.58573
NE6 1DW 0 54.976758 -1.584563
NE6 1DL 10 54.976933 -1.583124
NE6 1DN 11 54.977214 -1.581199
NE6 1DP 14 54.977574 -1.578758
NE6 1DQ 22 54.977881 -1.576584
NE6 1DR 10 54.976391 -1.58502
NE6 1DS 13 54.976717 -1.58297
NE6 1DT 2 54.976978 -1.580639
NE6 1DU 12 54.977215 -1.57884
NE6 1DX 6 54.97754 -1.576775
NE6 1EA 1 54.97614 -1.583114
NE6 1EB 1 54.975381 -1.576094
NE6 1ED 4 54.977175 -1.5752
NE6 1EF 0 54.974622 -1.577415
NE6 1EG 0 54.974845 -1.577069
NE6 1EH 5 54.977121 -1.572529
NE6 1EJ 1 54.976888 -1.58589
NE6 1EL 0 54.974624 -1.575602
NE6 1EN 0 54.9764 -1.584848