all postcodes in NE8 / GATESHEAD

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE8 1YN 19 2 54.951178 -1.613552
NE8 1YQ 1 1 54.956794 -1.570059
NE8 1AP 0 54.959183 -1.609512
NE8 1PH 1 54.957426 -1.616744
NE8 1WQ 1 1 54.958273 -1.600635
NE8 1HR 6 54.961848 -1.602943
NE8 1AN 4 4 54.963942 -1.605733
NE8 1HE 2 54.964305 -1.603996
NE8 1AR 1 54.965132 -1.604207
NE8 1SU 2 0 54.955656 -1.608731
NE8 1FT 0 54.963443 -1.60149
NE8 1BF 11 54.962324 -1.602735
NE8 1JN 1 1 54.959406 -1.603545
NE8 1FS 1 54.964017 -1.60667
NE8 1FU 0 54.963463 -1.602099
NE8 1FX 0 54.962961 -1.602354
NE8 1FY 0 54.962721 -1.603403