all postcodes in NE99 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE99 5AG 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5AF 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5AH 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5AT 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5AW 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5AZ 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BD 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BE 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BF 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BG 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BH 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BJ 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BP 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BQ 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BR 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BU 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BT 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5BW 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5DB 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 5DD 1 54.96746 -1.615383