all postcodes in NE99 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE99 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE99 1ES 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1FG 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1FP 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1FW 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1GB 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1GH 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1GU 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1GY 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HB 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HE 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HJ 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HU 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HX 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1HZ 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1JA 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1JB 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1JP 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1JW 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1LA 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE99 1LE 1 54.96746 -1.615383