all postcodes in NN10 / RUSHDEN

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
NN10 9HQ052.280613-0.604164
NN10 9HR052.282102-0.606887
NN10 9HS052.281704-0.605199
NN10 9HT052.282597-0.607737
NN10 9HU052.283539-0.60674
NN10 9HW052.282959-0.603328
NN10 9HX252.283461-0.607739
NN10 9HY052.283022-0.608676
NN10 9HZ052.2841-0.604802
NN10 9JA052.283739-0.603904
NN10 9JB052.281411-0.606968
NN10 9JD052.280637-0.606919
NN10 9JE852.282258-0.609419
NN10 9JF052.279825-0.604423
NN10 9JG052.279486-0.604624
NN10 9JH052.282518-0.611712
NN10 9JJ052.283013-0.611682
NN10 9JL052.282335-0.610618
NN10 9JN052.281963-0.612653
NN10 9JP052.284896-0.594573