all postcodes in NN14 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN14 3DJ 11 0 52.40553 -0.498306
NN14 3DL 25 0 52.400279 -0.491282
NN14 3DN 21 0 52.404241 -0.49169
NN14 3DP 4 0 52.399699 -0.469195
NN14 3DQ 3 0 52.402174 -0.488983
NN14 3DR 1 1 52.406578 -0.498726
NN14 3DS 11 2 52.403823 -0.491557
NN14 3DT 2 0 52.409071 -0.436642
NN14 3DU 16 0 52.402547 -0.55331
NN14 3DW 15 0 52.404979 -0.493179
NN14 3DX 8 0 52.402641 -0.552866
NN14 3DY 2 0 52.411135 -0.437701
NN14 3DZ 55 2 52.411907 -0.442364
NN14 3EA 3 0 52.422686 -0.514841
NN14 3EB 3 0 52.429752 -0.524826
NN14 3ED 46 2 52.422385 -0.496704
NN14 3EE 9 0 52.42136 -0.520341
NN14 3EF 7 0 52.459039 -0.608993
NN14 3EG 28 0 52.427377 -0.526258
NN14 3EJ 6 0 52.406536 -0.497595