all postcodes in NN15 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN15 6BA 20 0 52.389018 -0.722802
NN15 6BB 12 0 52.388319 -0.723087
NN15 6BD 10 0 52.391333 -0.720751
NN15 6BE 53 0 52.391338 -0.722294
NN15 6BG 10 0 52.390679 -0.724282
NN15 6BH 1 1 52.387101 -0.727677
NN15 6BJ 1 1 52.385642 -0.727381
NN15 6BL 1 1 52.390221 -0.727646
NN15 6BN 43 0 52.376126 -0.686285
NN15 6BP 7 0 52.376256 -0.687972
NN15 6BQ 7 0 52.390591 -0.726136
NN15 6BS 18 0 52.376684 -0.68602
NN15 6BT 13 0 52.388563 -0.728972
NN15 6BU 12 0 52.39082 -0.725674
NN15 6BW 5 0 52.377729 -0.683785
NN15 6BX 17 0 52.390345 -0.725027
NN15 6BY 6 0 52.389649 -0.724621
NN15 6BZ 9 0 52.390072 -0.722992
NN15 6DA 11 0 52.390563 -0.72358
NN15 6DB 21 1 52.391232 -0.723884