all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 6WD 1 1 52.395798 -0.72628
NN16 6WE 1 1 52.395798 -0.72628
NN16 6LL 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6LN 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6LP 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6LU 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6ND 1 0 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NF 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NG 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6ZZ 1 52.400149 -0.72958
NN16 6ZY 1 52.400149 -0.72958
NN16 6NN 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NP 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NS 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NT 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NU 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NW 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NX 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NY 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN16 6NZ 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728