all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 9PX 0 52.408097 -0.713798
NN16 9PY 0 52.408983 -0.715904
NN16 9PZ 0 52.405699 -0.725099
NN16 9QA 4 52.40646 -0.722813
NN16 9QB 2 52.407375 -0.719361
NN16 9QF 0 52.407487 -0.716418
NN16 9QH 0 52.408052 -0.716269
NN16 9QL 1 52.407084 -0.721486
NN16 9QP 0 52.415282 -0.715618
NN16 9QQ 1 52.40701 -0.734749
NN16 9QR 2 52.412918 -0.723082
NN16 9QS 0 52.41209 -0.726399
NN16 9QT 1 52.410347 -0.725641
NN16 9QU 0 52.410769 -0.723071
NN16 9QW 0 52.410012 -0.727091
NN16 9QX 0 52.410235 -0.726894
NN16 9QY 0 52.411135 -0.727015
NN16 9QZ 0 52.411938 -0.724786
NN16 9RA 0 52.414062 -0.725828
NN16 9RB 0 52.411163 -0.72378