all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 0QT 0 52.406156 -0.703211
NN16 0QZ 1 52.400812 -0.72352
NN16 0RA 0 52.402567 -0.71293
NN16 0RB 1 52.401882 -0.712714
NN16 0RD 0 52.400653 -0.712206
NN16 0RE 0 52.39986 -0.711965
NN16 0RF 0 52.400245 -0.716775
NN16 0RG 0 52.400903 -0.714448
NN16 0RH 2 52.401342 -0.712642
NN16 0RJ 1 52.399901 -0.717711
NN16 0RL 0 52.400566 -0.714943
NN16 0RN 0 52.400919 -0.713492
NN16 0RP 0 52.399738 -0.71651
NN16 0RQ 0 52.401048 -0.713738
NN16 0RR 1 52.399156 -0.716718
NN16 0RS 1 52.399539 -0.717163
NN16 0RT 0 52.399453 -0.717606
NN16 0RU 0 52.399166 -0.718482
NN16 0RW 0 52.401135 -0.712633
NN16 0RX 0 52.3982 -0.718083