all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 2BQ 8 6 52.496436 -0.706994
NN17 2BS 50 1 52.498807 -0.705069
NN17 2BT 9 1 52.498271 -0.707868
NN17 2BU 8 0 52.498208 -0.710345
NN17 2BW 59 0 52.501124 -0.699903
NN17 2BX 28 0 52.497728 -0.71251
NN17 2BY 35 0 52.497503 -0.714137
NN17 2BZ 16 0 52.497448 -0.715656
NN17 2DA 30 0 52.498643 -0.703217
NN17 2DB 39 0 52.498798 -0.701798
NN17 2DD 27 0 52.498046 -0.704605
NN17 2DE 2 2 52.496834 -0.706527
NN17 2DF 6 0 52.497712 -0.706913
NN17 2DH 20 0 52.497177 -0.713071
NN17 2DJ 18 0 52.497415 -0.711782
NN17 2DN 13 0 52.498883 -0.716174
NN17 2DP 43 0 52.498094 -0.716432
NN17 2DQ 67 1 52.4973 -0.707912
NN17 2DW 53 0 52.496416 -0.708453
NN17 2DZ 38 0 52.499757 -0.71799