all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 3BL 27 0 52.496315 -0.64155
NN17 3BN 15 0 52.534885 -0.674978
NN17 3BP 1 0 52.537511 -0.67742
NN17 3BS 2 0 52.54141 -0.669238
NN17 3BT 7 0 52.538681 -0.677547
NN17 3BU 19 0 52.539159 -0.678447
NN17 3BW 1 0 52.519848 -0.667309
NN17 3BX 39 0 52.538743 -0.670276
NN17 3BY 5 0 52.537029 -0.674515
NN17 3BZ 19 0 52.537105 -0.677285
NN17 3DA 2 1 52.53829 -0.682854
NN17 3DB 82 6 52.537867 -0.673179
NN17 3DD 18 0 52.542246 -0.670745
NN17 3DE 40 2 52.538239 -0.67585
NN17 3DF 32 1 52.537577 -0.675324
NN17 3DG 42 0 52.537269 -0.671102
NN17 3DH 6 0 52.537803 -0.676187
NN17 3DJ 4 0 52.538131 -0.678227
NN17 3DL 14 0 52.539355 -0.673576
NN17 3DN 43 3 52.537449 -0.679103