all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 5QW 2 2 52.500346 -0.643562
NN17 5TS 12 12 52.493847 -0.677729
NN17 5UA 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 5UB 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 5UD 1 1 52.490965 -0.674869
NN17 5UE 38 5 52.490458 -0.674649
NN17 5WA 10 6 52.506311 -0.660381
NN17 5WL 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 5XG 3 3 52.491314 -0.677201
NN17 5XH 12 7 52.507204 -0.659087
NN17 5XJ 8 6 52.50599 -0.660745
NN17 5XL 6 6 52.505774 -0.656626
NN17 5XP 1 1 52.505868 -0.654648
NN17 5XU 2 2 52.501616 -0.668274
NN17 5XW 3 3 52.506527 -0.680546
NN17 5XX 2 2 52.498569 -0.671533
NN17 5XY 7 6 52.500103 -0.673578
NN17 5XZ 7 7 52.50042 -0.669046
NN17 5XN 3 3 52.502449 -0.665582
NN17 5YF 1 1 52.496586 -0.674995