all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 1BG 23 0 52.497043 -0.689403
NN17 1BJ 29 0 52.499007 -0.687297
NN17 1BL 12 0 52.499815 -0.685652
NN17 1BN 25 0 52.500346 -0.684089
NN17 1BP 21 0 52.499613 -0.687706
NN17 1BQ 48 0 52.49836 -0.68655
NN17 1BT 12 0 52.498182 -0.684301
NN17 1BU 35 0 52.498885 -0.685238
NN17 1BW 6 0 52.501525 -0.683391
NN17 1BX 42 0 52.500342 -0.686933
NN17 1BY 26 0 52.497569 -0.685807
NN17 1DA 10 1 52.495195 -0.684935
NN17 1DB 72 0 52.496792 -0.683798
NN17 1DD 14 0 52.498278 -0.683194
NN17 1DE 48 0 52.499466 -0.683335
NN17 1DF 41 0 52.501174 -0.684934
NN17 1DG 24 0 52.501539 -0.68703
NN17 1DH 9 0 52.500418 -0.689729
NN17 1DJ 34 0 52.496841 -0.685755
NN17 1DL 43 0 52.499161 -0.684242