all postcodes in NN2 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN2 8UJ 25 0 52.26967 -0.91867
NN2 8UL 7 0 52.270437 -0.919883
NN2 8UN 16 0 52.2708 -0.91832
NN2 8UP 7 0 52.271888 -0.918294
NN2 8UR 47 0 52.270977 -0.919005
NN2 8US 6 0 52.272084 -0.921132
NN2 8UT 28 0 52.272685 -0.920986
NN2 8UU 27 0 52.271444 -0.919961
NN2 8UW 9 0 52.272887 -0.920409
NN2 8UY 18 0 52.273492 -0.92167
NN2 8XB 1 1 52.284881 -0.897102
NN2 8XD 11 0 52.277144 -0.884087
NN2 8XE 56 0 52.27683 -0.885195
NN2 8XF 12 0 52.27644 -0.884809
NN2 8XG 12 0 52.275834 -0.885337
NN2 8XH 8 0 52.275873 -0.885658
NN2 8YB 1 0 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 8YD 1 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 8YG 1 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 8ZB 1 0 52.247728 -0.811893