all postcodes in NN3 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN3 6LG 44 52.277029 -0.877978
NN3 6YG 1 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN3 6BJ 4 52.277573 -0.873699
NN3 6QG 0 52.265977 -0.861713
NN3 6HH 1 52.270771 -0.855142
NN3 6UR 11 52.280852 -0.870655
NN3 6RL 0 52.2725 -0.860095
NN3 6RP 0 52.27196 -0.860006
NN3 6RQ 0 52.272725 -0.860104
NN3 6RW 7 52.272564 -0.863274
NN3 6UQ 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN3 6UN 1 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN3 6TX 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN3 6GL 6 52.277035 -0.871089
NN3 6HS 0 52.275108 -0.847526
NN3 6HU 0 52.275246 -0.84783
NN3 6HQ 0 52.276559 -0.848778
NN3 6HX 0 52.27631 -0.848095
NN3 6XL 6 0 52.278777 -0.88028