all postcodes in NN3 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN3 8JA 0 52.264793 -0.836862
NN3 8JB 0 52.264191 -0.836892
NN3 8JD 0 52.268761 -0.833548
NN3 8JE 1 52.268294 -0.833546
NN3 8JF 0 52.269803 -0.831601
NN3 8JG 0 52.27084 -0.831867
NN3 8JH 1 52.258529 -0.834344
NN3 8JL 1 52.255508 -0.836167
NN3 8JN 0 52.265451 -0.840684
NN3 8JR 3 52.257065 -0.833606
NN3 8JS 0 52.264031 -0.83612
NN3 8JW 0 52.26545 -0.839614
NN3 8JY 0 52.266532 -0.842751
NN3 8JZ 53 52.257029 -0.835468
NN3 8LA 0 52.264581 -0.828105
NN3 8LB 0 52.263744 -0.827145
NN3 8LD 1 52.263198 -0.828258
NN3 8LE 0 52.264278 -0.829329
NN3 8LF 0 52.265485 -0.828608
NN3 8LG 0 52.266898 -0.829729