all postcodes in NN3 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN3 9HU 19 14 52.241656 -0.839517
NN3 9HW 6 4 52.241024 -0.836209
NN3 9HX 3 2 52.242212 -0.835738
NN3 9HY 4 3 52.243535 -0.835557
NN3 9HZ 8 8 52.240478 -0.837322
NN3 9JN 5 0 52.258421 -0.813601
NN3 9JP 5 0 52.253069 -0.809818
NN3 9JQ 58 0 52.256144 -0.828062
NN3 9NP 25 0 52.251123 -0.811159
NN3 9NR 23 0 52.251396 -0.810595
NN3 9NS 28 0 52.252166 -0.812024
NN3 9NT 30 0 52.255642 -0.810862
NN3 9NX 35 0 52.254092 -0.810508
NN3 9PG 14 0 52.259399 -0.813443
NN3 9PH 20 0 52.251097 -0.823801
NN3 9PJ 7 0 52.251489 -0.823513
NN3 9QY 74 0 52.254133 -0.833551
NN3 9SG 31 0 52.253604 -0.832745
NN3 9SH 28 0 52.254615 -0.833202
NN3 9SJ 25 0 52.249033 -0.815272