all postcodes in NN4 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN4 5EN 1 1 52.184686 -0.888742
NN4 5FX 44 0 52.18291 -0.88203
NN4 5FY 17 0 52.190461 -0.882865
NN4 5FZ 16 2 52.189958 -0.882921
NN4 5WP 1 52.24527 -0.898245
NN4 5WQ 0 52.24527 -0.898245
NN4 5BS 0 52.184156 -0.881692
NN4 5DT 0 52.190043 -0.888127
NN4 5DU 0 52.190487 -0.885629
NN4 5DX 0 52.190007 -0.887119
NN4 5DY 1 52.18917 -0.88746
NN4 5DS 14 0 52.189631 -0.886323
NN4 5WT 1 1 52.24527 -0.898245
NN4 5EA 8 52.193898 -0.884431
NN4 5EB 1 52.193907 -0.883159
NN4 5ED 0 52.193473 -0.882819
NN4 5EE 0 52.19301 -0.883342
NN4 5EF 0 52.192732 -0.883437
NN4 5EG 0 52.192986 -0.883709
NN4 5EH 0 52.193386 -0.883552