all postcodes in NN4 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN4 6LH 25 0 52.200672 -0.887759
NN4 6LD 34 0 52.198831 -0.87907
NN4 6LL 17 0 52.200656 -0.885682
NN4 6LN 6 0 52.199187 -0.885324
NN4 6LP 16 2 52.202931 -0.887601
NN4 6LQ 15 1 52.201465 -0.886569
NN4 6LR 24 0 52.201812 -0.889092
NN4 6LW 12 3 52.202287 -0.886417
NN4 6LX 16 0 52.207714 -0.883764
NN4 6PF 1 1 52.213944 -0.883725
NN4 6RA 19 0 52.207642 -0.886576
NN4 6RB 26 0 52.207233 -0.886191
NN4 6RD 5 0 52.208113 -0.888891
NN4 6RE 8 0 52.208798 -0.888113
NN4 6RF 12 0 52.20777 -0.887816
NN4 6RG 6 0 52.20877 -0.887104
NN4 6RH 8 0 52.206523 -0.886208
NN4 6RJ 4 0 52.20595 -0.886413
NN4 6RL 18 0 52.205996 -0.888475
NN4 6RN 13 0 52.206476 -0.888873