all postcodes in NN6 / NORTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
NN6 0FL152.303646-0.772719
NN6 0DN052.292564-0.771883
NN6 0DP052.29609-0.775802
NN6 0DQ152.27299-0.747315
NN6 0DR052.291791-0.775379
NN6 0DS052.293137-0.775078
NN6 0DT352.282189-0.815048
NN6 0DU052.291901-0.774731
NN6 0DW152.293501-0.772091
NN6 0DX252.290305-0.769436
NN6 0DY052.2895-0.770296
NN6 0DZ052.292176-0.769166
NN6 0EA052.299088-0.764707
NN6 0EB052.29058-0.767847
NN6 0ED052.292634-0.770796
NN6 0EE052.29208-0.770327
NN6 0EF052.291307-0.772049
NN6 0EG052.292994-0.77083
NN6 0EH052.290964-0.769317
NN6 0EJ052.264789-0.756165