all postcodes in NN7 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN7 2JG 7 0 52.146843 -0.8516
NN7 2JH 23 2 52.143542 -0.882358
NN7 2JJ 2 0 52.143357 -0.883209
NN7 2JL 1 0 52.143371 -0.884233
NN7 2JN 56 2 52.142348 -0.886305
NN7 2JP 1 0 52.129517 -0.870189
NN7 2JR 64 1 52.141284 -0.880792
NN7 2JS 4 0 52.141608 -0.880317
NN7 2JT 5 4 52.149985 -0.872565
NN7 2JW 4 0 52.128757 -0.881034
NN7 2JX 21 0 52.149359 -0.845923
NN7 2JY 47 0 52.149128 -0.844335
NN7 2JZ 14 0 52.149452 -0.844371
NN7 2LA 25 0 52.148884 -0.845189
NN7 2LB 12 0 52.149168 -0.843925
NN7 2LD 18 0 52.148383 -0.844486
NN7 2LF 8 1 52.155629 -0.890767
NN7 2LL 26 0 52.155603 -0.882817
NN7 2LN 4 1 52.161085 -0.913307
NN7 2LP 2 2 52.154633 -0.900148