all postcodes in NP13 / ABERTILLERY

find any address or company within the NP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP13 1JY 20 0 51.744054 -3.131287
NP13 1JZ 21 0 51.744149 -3.130754
NP13 1LA 22 0 51.744743 -3.131565
NP13 1LB 2 0 51.745117 -3.132307
NP13 1LD 3 0 51.745985 -3.131821
NP13 1LE 4 0 51.745621 -3.132862
NP13 1LF 6 0 51.746269 -3.132776
NP13 1LG 6 0 51.746967 -3.133098
NP13 1LH 12 0 51.747391 -3.133978
NP13 1LJ 18 0 51.746283 -3.133182
NP13 1LL 18 0 51.74625 -3.133819
NP13 1LN 2 0 51.745412 -3.133458
NP13 1LP 1 0 51.741199 -3.131737
NP13 1LQ 9 0 51.747513 -3.133358
NP13 1LR 5 1 51.755593 -3.129996
NP13 1AQ 1 0 51.753666 -3.128413
NP13 1LS 10 0 51.748352 -3.133147
NP13 1LT 3 0 51.739429 -3.131577
NP13 1LU 2 0 51.748195 -3.133846
NP13 1LW 28 0 51.745931 -3.134303