all postcodes in NP15 / USK

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
NP15 1DD3051.716739-2.863114
NP15 1DE9051.724009-2.81717
NP15 1DF24051.719398-2.806577
NP15 1DG8051.72155-2.86183
NP15 1DH4051.725474-2.833056
NP15 1DJ3051.735594-2.81651
NP15 1DL39151.730794-2.849394
NP15 1DN21051.739441-2.835899
NP15 1DP6051.739844-2.8512
NP15 1DQ29051.699294-2.905503
NP15 1DR16051.734542-2.870476
NP15 1DS26151.743747-2.827584
NP15 1DT18351.717486-2.786176
NP15 1DU13051.712896-2.776477
NP15 1DW2051.742421-2.833338
NP15 1DX2051.718179-2.809052
NP15 1DY2051.719353-2.861389
NP15 1DZ6051.730774-2.850856
NP15 1EB5051.737777-2.868323
NP15 1ED10051.70264-2.903841