all postcodes in NP15 / USK

find any address or company within the NP15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District

NP15 / USK

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP15 1SH 50 0 51.707385 -2.898645
NP15 1SJ 25 0 51.70673 -2.899277
NP15 1SL 16 0 51.706615 -2.897828
NP15 1SN 10 0 51.708668 -2.898679
NP15 1SP 11 0 51.70839 -2.897414
NP15 1SQ 9 0 51.707797 -2.896143
NP15 1SR 23 0 51.707451 -2.895572
NP15 1SS 12 8 51.701199 -2.909144
NP15 1ST 6 0 51.707427 -2.896324
NP15 1SU 2 1 51.698804 -2.908445
NP15 1SW 13 0 51.70218 -2.906393
NP15 1SX 2 0 51.694903 -2.903578
NP15 1SY 15 2 51.704451 -2.910303
NP15 1SZ 1 0 51.705354 -2.908714
NP15 1TA 1 0 51.688727 -2.904331
NP15 1TB 2 0 51.685607 -2.908079
NP15 1TD 7 0 51.688209 -2.904928
NP15 1TE 9 0 51.694598 -2.904361
NP15 1TF 2 0 51.695193 -2.904452
NP15 1TG 6 1 51.690994 -2.902915